Stories By Glenn Deltondo
/ 7 years agoThe Dynamic Duo, Wreaking Havoc!
We’ve were treated to a very special performance by “The Dynamic Duo” who clearly had their signature game against the Cardinals...
/ 7 years agoDAK & DLAW Turn Up the Heat in Arizona!
What a second half by Dak and Demarcus Lawrence!!!! This game, if you watched it, had the fans feeling they saw...
/ 7 years agoQuick Recap of Sunday’s Games!
We think its bad enough having to wait all day for Sunday night to watch our Boys, but its worse when...
/ 7 years agoBreaking Down The Duel in the Desert, Dallas vs Arizona!
Going into the season, the first four weeks was a huge concern for me, given the defenses we’d be facing. Getting...
/ 7 years agoWrong Team Followed Keys to Victory!
The Denver Broncos apparently read our story on Saturday for the prescription to win this battle. Bring the defense, run the...
/ 7 years agoOn the Wrong End of the Mile High Beat Down!
The high that came from whipping our division rivals, was completely deflated here in week two against the Denver Broncos. Today...
/ 7 years agoMile High Expectations & Keys to Victory!
Only the second game of the season and this one is pivotal to the season. We whipped the Giants with an...
/ 7 years agoTape Don’t Lie! Was Cowboys Defense Awesome or Eli that Bad?
Earlier today (9/13), a friend of our site, @thegametimeguru (Shane Larson) was excited about the game and our Cowboys defense. Plenty...
/ 7 years agoLaying Down D Law!
On Sunday night, Demarcus Lawrence sent a message to all who’d listen, I’m feeling good and I’m ready to roll. While...
/ 7 years agoRomo’s New Career, Great Start in the Booth!
Sunday was a great day for the Cowboys, new one’s and old too! The long awaited first game for Tony Romo...